Custom Pedestal Table
This pedestal table is handmade of premium grade walnut. The solid top is made from two planks 24” wide each, it is book-matched to form an amazing effect.
Pedestal Table |
The top two boards of solid walnut in the rough
The base joinery fit before shaping
The top planks milled and ready for glue up
Cleaning and smoothing the surfaces before glue up
Preparing the table top edges for glue up, meticulously hand planing the two glue surfaces ensures a flawless glue up and a joint that is nearly invisible.
The fully round table apron is made by bent lamination of thinner strips of solid walnut. Two parts are made seperately then joined together.
Shaping the table top edge profile
Table top ready for finish
Pedestal Table ready for finish
Finished Pedestal
Spectacular book matched top
This Pedestal table was designed with a set of four custom side chairs.
Amazing Book matched Top